How it all started

I have passion for less privilege most especially the helpless aged people and children from my childhood. But what actually inspired me to start up this organisation was due to the fact that an elderly woman was burned in a house during the ongoing crisis in Cameroon because she could not run and many children killed. When I moved to Nigeria, i saw many stranded and helpless refugees from Cameroon and other nearby countries.
I accommodated many of them until they got something to do to earn a living. As time went on, i heard about internally displaced in Nigeria due to boko haram, i decided to pay a visit to one of the IDP camps.
And I felt these set of people needs special attention. From there, I got inspired to write a book so I could market it and raise money to build a home and take care of these people.
Most especially elderly and children. As a nurse, i can comfortably provide health services and as a teacher, i can comfortably teach the kids